Sustainable quality

High quality and environmental protection are the pillars of our work: all radiators are eco-friendly, made exclusively from recycled aluminium and, in turn, infinitely recyclable.


The strength of our group has always been the recovery and valorisation of aluminium from scrap. Individual knowledge combined with the industrial capacity to recover aluminium scraps allow our Group to achieve a 95% reduction in CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, otherwise necessary for the production of raw material directly extracted from nature. At a circular economy level, enterprises such as ours aim to grow without relying on the extraction and consumption of the Earth’s resources, without wasting energy, without generating a steady flow of products that end up in landfills or otherwise harm the environment: a master pathway towards preserving our Planet.


The tons of aluminium we recycle each year.


The tons of equivalent CO2 saved and, consequently, no released into the atmosphere.


The number of trees needed to convert this amount of carbon dioxide.


Radiatori 2000 offers real MADE IN ITALY products entirely engineered and produced on our national soil.

Quality and efficiency are proven by the constant attention in every processing phase and by the strictest quality controls and leak tests carried out on each individual radiator produced.

Nothing is left to chance, and this has allowed our company to achieve the best possible results in terms of environmental and product quality certifications. Everything is studied and nothing is random from the first phase of materials choice till the final assembly and shipping: all is the result of extensive research to guarantee the best product and service on the market.

All our processes are certified according to the European Standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 while the products are certified and comply with the European Standard EN 442 of the Milan Polytechnic, manufactured to the most advanced and stringent quality standards.

Investing in quality has allowed us to obtain several international patents. From 2016 the Radiatori 2000 financial statements and the one of all the other companies comprising the FECS Group, are certified by the auditing firm KPMG, leader in the accounting sector for over 50 years.


* Valid for the following sites: Via Francesca 54/A; 60 e Via Vecchia Francesca 20-22 Ciserano (BG)
** For Plus EVO and Helyos EVO
*** For Plus EVO

For more details about Certify products and for more info visit for AENOR Mark and for NF Mark

© 2017 Radiatori 2000 SpA | P.iva 03554100176 | Rea BG-345232 | Cap. sociale int. ver. 4.020.000 €
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